A few days ago marked the three-month point since I published my first novel, Here Comes Earth: Emergence. I had thought that I would be publishing the second book, Here Comes Earth: Destiny, by now but it looks like it might be another 30 to 45 days.
Two things slowed me down… Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays. I’m going to need to remember in the future that the more people there are around the house the less work will get done. I love my family but it makes it very easy to get distracted…
The other aspect that is going to require some time is that I really want to do a better job of editing on the second book. With HCE: Emergence, I really just needed to get it published to see what the reaction would be. Would people like it? Would it sell? Editing a book on a truly professional level is both expensive and time consuming. Rightly or wrongly, I decided to ‘test’ the waters first before I made that large investment. I am pleased to say that the positive feedback has been great enough to justify the extra endeavors. The editing of Book II will be on a professional level.
Which is not to say that the editing of Book I does not meet that level now – I believe it does. It has constantly been re-edited and updated. It is frustrating to see reviews that still refer to editing deficiencies that have already been corrected, but those readers paid for the book and have the right to display their thoughts.
Having said all that, I am very excited about the next book. I hope everyone will like it as much or more than the first one. I know I do (lol)…
I really liked your take on the story you gave us. It was different but comfortable enough to get into and understand where you were leading the characters. Thank you for sharing this book with all of us.
Thank you Linda! I didn’t start out thinking, ‘Hmmm… I think I’ll use two first-person perspectives.’ It just kind of happened that way. Hopefully I’ve laid a good enough foundation that readers will get excited about the directions the characters go in Book II.