We all know you can’t please everyone and sometimes reviewers can be brutal !!! But then when you get a review like the one below it makes it all worth while…
Thank you to everyone again for your support! It means a lot to me.
5.0 out of 5 stars Very imaginative SF!
Roger J. Buffington (Huntington Beach, CA United States) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Here Comes Earth: Emergence (Kindle Edition)
“Here Comes Earth: Emergence” is several cuts above the usual offerings in the space opera genre. Although this is apparently the author’s first novel, it reads like a work by a seasoned writer who knows how to tell a story and keep the reader’s interest. This novel tells a fascinating story of First Contact. Earth is contacted by an apparently benevolent alien society and suddenly humanities’ leaders must make decisions about our planet’s future. In this novel the author presents fascinating speculations about mankind’s place in the universe.Characterizations in this novel are good. The author tells the story from the perspectives of several of the leading characters and uses a somewhat odd format in which some of the characters narrate from the first person while others are presented by a second person narration. While a bit odd, the author pulls it off… Overall this novel presents interesting speculations, good characterizations, and a plot that gives the reader something to root for. Evidently a sequel is planned and we can all look forward to it. RJB.